Brian Craciun

Software Developer
  • assignment_turned_inProjects
  • assignment_turned_inSkills
    • keyboard_arrow_rightLanguages
      Java, Python, JavaScript, C#, C, HTML-5, CSS, Ruby, G-Code, M-Code
    • keyboard_arrow_rightFrameworks
      .NET8, .NET7, Materialize, Blazor, MudBlazor, SmartComponents, OpenAI, jQuery, Jekyll, React, Jekyll Scholar, BibTex
    • keyboard_arrow_rightDev Tools
      Git, Google Cloud Platform, VS Code, Visual Studio, Node JS, IntelliJ, Eclipse, IISExpress, ASP.NET Core (Identity Framework), Canva, Blender
    • keyboard_arrow_rightDatabases
      Firebase, SQL Server


Lead Website Developer for Drews Mobile Detailing building a website that suits all business needs.

Applied Skills: HTML-5, CSS, and JavaScript

Front and Back End Development to bring forth a website to display Iowa State University Aerospace Engineering's accomplishments.

Applied Skills: HTML-5, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, Jekyll, Jekyll Scholar, Bibtex, and Responsive Images

"With a burning passion for learning, I am always ready to strive for excellence and create something amazing."


Thank you for visiting my portfolio!

If you have any questions or wish to work with me, all my contacts are listed above!